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How to Book your Cooking LPG Cylinder Online

The LPG piston chamber distribution scenario in India is animated to a radical change in these days. The leading LPG companies of India is stirred towards the internet based online facilities to their customers for the flexible and transparent services to their customers.

It will be accessible to the customers that they can Book their LPG cylinders from anyplace and anytime by availing these online facilities. Here we will go out how to book your LPG cylinder online by following the procedure.

LPG cylinders are available from many companies like Indian Oil, Hindustan Crude etc. and each supplier has their own personal web site which provides these services. They are providing LPG cylinders to the customers with subsidy and without subsidy.

Both type of cylinders can be set-aside exploitation the online portal. Here we will describe the procedure using one of the principal suppliers of LPG cylinder, H.P. Gasconad. The procedure is similar to other supplier portal but you may find some changes in the position of the elements in the screen.

To start with, you need to check in to your account with the corresponding supplier portal. If you are non notwithstandin registered, you can stick with this page to recognise the procedure for substance abuser registration. Register your Online account for Cookery LPG consumer portal.

After signing in to the registered history using the User-id and password, we can open cylinder reservation page from many places. You can click on the icons given on top of the page and also in right side of meat of the page. We will take the page using the menu here. For that, clack on "Service petition" menu given on the left side of the page. It will open the sub menu where we can see the join to "Book cylinder" page there. Now click happening the "Book Piston chamber" link to nonunion the LPG cylinder booking page.

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LPG cylinder booking page will register the number of cylinders that you purchased and unconscious of that how many cylinders comes under governance subsidy and the rate of the cylinder on the with booking options like "Cash on Delivery" and "Online Payment". Normally we volition be using the cash on delivery method to get the LPG cylinder from the distributor. You give the axe besides try the Online payment alternative if you want here which may not be fully functional as of now. Be careful that once you flick the "Cash on Delivery" alternative, the booking will be completed without any prompts or confirmation screen. It is also to be noted that, once you are booked LPG cylinder it is not possible at present to cancel that by whatsoever online method unless your distributer rejecting that for their reasons. Once you are final with the decisiveness of booking, then dog "Cash connected Delivery" which leave book the cylinder and you will get the reservation number there.

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You can note push down the booking reference number for future use. Normally the distributor will raise another 6 digit engagement bi based on this request number subsequently and supported on that they volition be accounting it under your LPG answer for.

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If you are opting for online payment option above then you will cost directed to a consent foliate where you have to agree with the rules and regulations in order to proceed further. After putting the "tick" on the check box, click on "Accept & Earnings online"  button and you testament be directed to the payment gateway where you bottom pay for your LPG cylinder in advance. Once completing the in a higher place procedure you will get the reference routine as explained above.

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You can see the status of the current booking along with all the previous transactions in other menu. To open that, we need to click happening the "View service request" yoke under the above mentioned "Service Request" menu. Under that we need to click on engagement cylinder condition to see the inside information.

Here we can project all the engagement and delivery details of your LPG cylinders along with the government subsidy inside information paid to your bank account. To get the subsidy amount directly to your bank, you pauperization to link your Aadhar number and Depository financial institution account statement to your LPG account. If you are yet to do that, you can jazz online by succeeding this post. Arrest cooking LPG subsidy add up deposited instantly to Consumer rely account. The "Inprocess" status booking is your last booking that you have done online which will get vulcanised by your distributer within fewer days.

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If you are prodigious the limits like monthly bookings, each year bookings etc which was distinct by the distributor to ensure delivery of LPG cylinder to all the consumers or double booking, then they may reject your booking which is under "Inprocess" now. In such cases we need to book the LPG cylinder once over again to twig processed.

The online facilities are very much helpful to the consumers as they are getting the freedom to do the booking and status enquiry at any time and from any location.

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How to Book your Cooking LPG Cylinder Online

Source: https://mashtips.com/book-cooking-lpg-cylinder-online/

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